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crime and mystery (14,417), scans (5,699), film (5,613), cartoon (5,458), comic book (3,944), children's (3,411), archie (3,348), digest (2,740), magazine (2,728), boys' series (2,410), fiction (2,404), girls' series (2,261), horror (2,247), school stories (2,089), drama (2,024), short stories (1,856), science fiction (1,818), billy bunter (1,691), comedy (1,668), gothic romance (1,531), ebook (1,454), pocket sized (1,269), romance (1,248), children's mystery & adventure (1,209), pulp (1,173), 1970s (1,068), scholastic (1,023), animals (1,001), biography (854), ultb (830), 1960s (806), 1980s (802), entertainment (766), character: mack bolan (738), 2010s (654), tv tie-in (635), religion (575), espionage (548), sports (536), 1950s (509), 1940s (489), action (461), anthology (448), 2000s (443), 1990s (392), acpl (346), young readers (337), fantasy (337), tennis (335), musical (303), walt disney (300), humour (288), adventure (276), young adult (274), series: nancy drew (272), 1930s (271), movie tie-in (267), strip: peanuts (261), series: hardy boys (261), omnibus (257), war (223), doubleday crime club (209), teen romance (196), animation (193), character: perry mason (192), malt shop (192), doc savage (191), shadow (182), van dinean (175), ggb (172), character: michael shayne (167), character: sexton blake (165), family (155), character: nero wolfe (155), reference (155), cyoa (151), superbolan (148), film noir (146), teen horror (140), western (140), character: destroyer (139), series: sweet valley high (132), strip: garfield (131), medical (130), martial arts (129), series: nancy drew files (127), tv series: doctor who (126), series: sweet valley twins (125), character: maigret (122), character: ellery queen (121), strip: andy capp (120), character: hercule poirot (120), richie rich (120), geronimo stilton (120), stony man (119), non-fiction (118), television (111), giallo (109), 2020s (107), series: boxcar children (105), poetry (105), mad magazine (105), series: hardy boys casefiles (101), series: chalet school (99), character: richard rollison (the toff) (97), sleaze (97), character: simon templar (the saint) (96), mapback (95), tv series: scooby-doo (95), series: bobbsey twins (94), dvd (91), character: roderick alleyn (89), character: roger west (87), series: 87th precinct (81), series: trixie belden (75), art (74), criterion (72), character: nick carter (71), character: james bond (71), character: john mannering (the baron) (69), character: cool and lam (68), strip: hagar the horrible (66), series: danny orlis (66), series: three investigators (65), strip: family circus (64), suspense (64), ace double (64), character: shell scott (63), tv series: avengers (62), strip: dennis the menace (61), cookbook (61), strip: beetle bailey (61), character: peter chambers (61), series: judy bolton (60), photography (55), character: luis mendoza (53), original text (52), character: patrick dawlish (51), muppets (51), queen-size (51), series: sweet valley university (51), character: pam and jerry north (50), fear street (50), character: norman conquest (49), strip: big nate (48), series: sugar creek gang (48), character: dr priestley (47), avenger (47), st.jim's (47), series: dana girls (46), character: sherlock holmes (46), national geographic (46), anthony parsons (46), character: dr. gideon fell (45), essays (45), indiana jones (44), dime novel (42), series: nancy drew & hardy boys supermystery (42), character: dr. palfrey (42), wildfire (41), strip: b.c. (41), strip: baby blues (41), revised text (40), spider (40), character: inspector schmidt (40), character: mrs. bradley (40), series: tom swift jr (40), character: mark hardin (the penetrator) (40), character: george gideon (39), character: doug selby (39), character: miss marple (39), character: albert campion (39), tv series: dark shadows (39), character: sam durell (38), mystique (38), phantom detective (38), character: fu manchu (37), blaxploitation (37), tarzan (37), goosebumps (37), character: bobby owen (37), strip: for better or for worse (37), character: harry dickson (35), character: ironsides cromwell (35), character: ludovic travers (35), 1920s (34), character: inspector heimrich (34), series: elizabeth gail (34), freddy the pig (34), series: cedar river daydreams (34), character: department z (34), character: parker (33), character: charlie chan (33), series: cherry ames (33), character: spenser (33), character: henry merrivale (33), character: al wheeler (33), character: arthur crook (33), little lulu (32), character: brother cadfael (32), character: johnny liddell (32), little house (32), series: mandie (31), john dickson carr (31), series: happy hollisters (31), film studies (31), teen gothic (31), character: rick holman (31), character: henry gamadge (31), series: girls of canby hall (31), character: kinsey millhone (30), signed (30), pete sampras (30), character: inspector mckee (30), character: inspector robert macdonald (30), character: danny boyd (29), character: ed noon (29), series: lone pine (29), series: sweet valley kids (29), character: death merchant (28), character: inspector appleby (28), third doctor (28), character: lew archer (28), paddington bear (28), tv series: u.n.c.l.e. (28), strip: zits (28), character: david small (27), strip: mother goose and grimm (27), strip: wizard of id (27), character: desmond merrion (27), asterix (27), character: kent murdock (26), edmund snell (26), character: grace latham and colonel primrose (26), tintin (26), series: fabulous five (26), series: cheerleaders (25), series: famous five (25), character: travis mcgee (25), character: pierre chambrun (25), character: john putnam thatcher (25), windswept (25), series: rick brant (25), annual (24), first doctor (24), tv series: space 1999 (24), character: chester drum (24), character: peter wimsey (24), sexploitation (24), character: philip marlowe (24), strip: heathcliff (23), yearbook (23), character: hildegarde withers (23), series: girl talk (23), john hunter (23), star wars (23), andre agassi (23), character: john j malone (23), series: grace harlowe (23), series: abbey girls (22), character: matt erridge (22), character: septimus finch (22), l.c. douthwaite (22), clue (22), character: milo march (22), character: inspector gently (22), strip: cathy (21), character: anthony bathurst (21), encyclopedia brown (21), character: inspector tibbett (21), john mcenroe (21), character: nameless detective (21), series: beverly gray (21), batman (21), tv series: danger man/secret agent (20), character: butcher (20), strip: foxtrot (20), character: nigel strangeways (20), strip: herman (20), character: wycliffe (19), character: sir clinton driffield (19), oz (19), character: gervase fen (19), tv series: battlestar galactica (19), series: sleepover friends (19), series: chip hilton (19), character: mac (19), john g. brandon (19), series: best friends (18), fourth doctor (18), krimi (18), character: hugh north (18), second doctor (18), character: father brown (18), walter tyrer (18), strip: tumbleweeds (18), redwall (18), character: charles paris (18), series: bobbsey twins (wanderer) (18), character: anthony gethryn (17)
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Oct 24, 2006
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