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John Boyne

Author of The Boy in the Striped Pajamas

40+ Works 25,516 Members 1,516 Reviews 18 Favorited

About the Author

Acclaimed Irish novelist John Boyne was born in Dublin, Ireland on April 30, 1971. He studied English Literature at Trinity College, Dublin and Creative Writing at the University of East Anglia. He has written dozens of short stories and many novels, including the New York Times bestseller The Boy show more in the Striped Pyjamas. An award-winning film adaptation of this work was released in 2008. In 2015 his title, A History of Lonelines made The New Zealand Best Seller List. (Bowker Author Biography) show less


Works by John Boyne

The Boy in the Striped Pajamas (2006) 15,112 copies
The Heart's Invisible Furies (2017) 2,273 copies
The Absolutist (2011) 908 copies
A Ladder to the Sky (2018) 859 copies
This House is Haunted (2013) 840 copies
The House of Special Purpose (2005) 806 copies
Mutiny on the Bounty (2008) 497 copies
Stay Where You Are And Then Leave (2013) — Author — 493 copies
A History of Loneliness (2014) 463 copies
All the Broken Places (2022) 457 copies
Noah Barleywater Runs Away (2010) 402 copies
The Thief of Time (2000) 326 copies
Crippen: A Novel of Murder (2004) 305 copies

Associated Works

Pinocchio (1881) — Introduction, some editions — 8,400 copies
Little Lord Fauntleroy (1886) — Introduction, some editions — 3,277 copies
The Boy in the Striped Pajamas [2008 film] (2007) — Original book — 275 copies
Dubliners 100 (2014) — Contributor — 30 copies
Magic!: New Fairy Tales by Irish Writers (2015) — Contributor — 17 copies


19th century (164) Auschwitz (291) children (405) children's (414) children's books (133) children's fiction (138) children's literature (289) classic (310) classics (324) concentration camps (296) ebook (171) England (181) fairy tales (184) family (154) fantasy (316) fiction (2,340) friendship (398) Germany (232) historical (230) historical fiction (1,052) history (198) Holocaust (930) Ireland (174) Irish literature (120) Italian (136) Italian literature (174) Italy (125) Jews (129) Kindle (111) literature (245) Nazis (148) novel (281) Poland (110) read (228) to-read (1,912) war (272) WWI (178) WWII (867) YA (201) young adult (310)

Common Knowledge

Canonical name
Boyne, John
Legal name
Boyne, John
Country (for map)
Dublin, Ireland
Places of residence
Dublin, Ireland
Trinity College, Dublin
Terenure College
University of East Anglia
Simon Trewin (PFD)



Pode-se fugir da história? Será possível viver no anonimato após uma existência de fausto e glória? A vida comum é assim tão diferente da vida pública? Geórgui Jachmenev passou a vida inteira se debatendo com essas questões, e agora, prestes a perder o grande amor de sua vida, tenta encontrar uma resposta para elas ao refletir sobre seu percurso num século XX que sempre lhe pareceu longo demais. Seus feitos começaram cedo: aos dezesseis anos, em ação impulsiva e atabalhoada, o rapaz impediu um atentado contra a vida de ninguém menos que o grão-duque Nicolau Nicolaievitch, irmão do czar Nicolau II, que, agradecido, nomeou Geórgui o guarda-costas oficial de seu filho Alexei, destinado a ser o próximo czar. Uma reviravolta impressionante, que o levou da taiga russa para o fausto dos palácios moscovitas, cenário que, apesar da amplidão e luxo de seus imensos corredores, iria se revelar bem mais inóspito que os frios grotões de sua vida anterior. A dura experiência com esse mundo gélido de intrigas palacianas, às quais sempre era jogado contra sua vontade, e de grandes tensões e responsabilidade só foi apaziguada com a chegada do primeiro amor, Zoia. Mas os tempos eram agitados, e a história deixou pouco espaço para idílios: quando a Revolução Bolchevique tomou de assalto o país, e isolou toda a família do czar numa casa de campo nos arredores de Ekaterinburg, mais uma vez Geórgui teve de agir rápido a fim de salvar a si e a Zoia. A vida com ela lhe custaria pátria, família e prestígio, e ele jamais se arrependeu disso - mas e para Zoia, o que teria custado? Numa narrativa fascinante, em que presente e passado vão convergindo em capítulos alternados, da Inglaterra dos anos Thatcher para a época dos czares russos, e dos anos difíceis da Segunda Guerra Mundial para o turbilhão da Revolução Bolchevique, acompanhamos Geórgui em meio a acontecimentos históricos decisivos que acabam por se revelar mero pano de fundo para uma história de amor que esconde um grande mistério, talvez maior mesmo que a própria história.… (more)
qualqueroutrolivro | 56 other reviews | May 19, 2024 |
The second novella in a series of 4 focusing on the elements, this one was as powerful as Water, the first. Here we come back to Evan Keogh, the reluctant footballer who really wanted to be an artist but found himself on a pitch playing a game he has no interest in and in deep trouble. His friend Robbie, also a footballer, is accused of raping a young woman and Evan filmed it and then said he had lost his camera.

The whole plot has a reality to it - we have all heard of footballers who are accused of rape - some guilty, others not, but this book lays it bare and as in Water, at just the right moment we flashback and find out how Evan came to be in the court house accused of being an accessory to rape.

I thought Boyne got the court room exactly right. The female lawyer who said she wouldn't use a woman's previous sexual background and experience and then did, destroying her in the process. I found the earth to be less of an essential element to this story, although there was an emphasis on Evan's feet and through that the grounding of the character. The smelling of earth when in difficulties was harder to follow but then I remembered what had happened in the fields/woods with Evan and the boy who stayed on the farm and wondered if that was why he had the smell of earth in his nose.

Another great book from Boyne.
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allthegoodbooks | 2 other reviews | May 19, 2024 |
How do children understand the big events in their adult loved ones' lives? How much passes over their heads and how much do they see, instead, that adults can't grasp? I tried to frame this novella through childhood experiences of their parents' traumas, but the narrative mechanism creaks anyway, and not all characters acquire the third dimension (big brother Peter, mum, yes, I am talking about you....)
Feel-good endings bore me, too, when they are not justified. Everything goes back to square one, so where is the narrative?
The writing, believable rendition of a pre-teen child's train of thought, partially redeems the narrative, until it comes out that this boy turns thirteen during summer. Come on, at thirteen I had more mature thought processes than that.
So, the third star is really just there because of the style, but maybe I should have stopped at two. Not awful, by the way.
… (more)
Elanna76 | 8 other reviews | May 2, 2024 |
Who group reading and individual reading. 5th grade readers.
cpaiz | 853 other reviews | Apr 29, 2024 |


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